Hi Anna.

2 of 4 charges were dropped

Fines issued for the remaining 2

She intends to charge or counter claim

The fight continues. Thank you for solidarity!

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Doctor stone who did the utmost to save lives during the worst of the pandemic ...and now faces prosecution ..to all those who benefited from her services over all the years...please stand

up for her. For a goodman to be silent at a time like now...is as bad as prosecuting her yourself....

Stand up as one or divided you will fall..

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Hi Shabnam,

This is very disturbing. Dr Stone worked tirelessly through the pandemic, she risked her own health and life to help many people. My questions are why then did MCAZ allow Ivermectin to be imported into the country for the aid in fighting COVID-19? The Government approved it. Ivermectin is known to be used in other countries as far as Australia. Why is Dr Stone being persecuted yet Pharmacy's had pre-made packs for COVID-19 - One for Treatment and the other for Prevention and in those packs was Ivermectin. I myself and my family took Ivermectin - these were not prescribed by Dr Stone, we got them from the pharmacy. What is going on here? Gratitude for Dr Stone's tireless work is seriously lacking.

We pray our President can intervene.



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Thank heavens the government of Zimbabwe approved the import and use of Ivermectin.

I myself needed treatment by Dr Jackie Stone who saved my life from COVID when I caught it at the end of 2020 and again end of 2021. I had Double Bronchial Pneumonia and a collapsed lung many years ago, so she certainly saved my life with all her treatments. My blood count contained raised D-Dimers and was told I was about to have a pulmonary embolism so I can thank her and her treatment for being alive today, when so many people around the world lost theirs.

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Sad, very sad indeed, a doctor that's out to help and gets treated like a common criminal, that's unacceptable! Humanity must prevail, people need to stand together and protect our doctors for doing the right thing!

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Hi Shabnam,

Suggest you start a pre-worded petition directed specifically to the Zim presidential office to object to the travesty that is the prosecution of Dr Stone.

People can then just add name & email ,plus any additional comments they may wish to add.

Warm regards Nick

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Hi Shabnam,

Suggest you start a pre-worded petition directed specifically to the Zim presidential office to object to the travesty that is the prosecution of Dr Stone.

People can then just add name & email ,plus any additional comments they may wish to add.

Warm regards Nick

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Shabnam, what was the outcome of her trial? I am having trouble finding the results and am wondering what I should tell my readers in the Action Alert I was planning to post for this.

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This is a terrible thing to be happening to someone who only wanted to and wants to save lives. If it wasn't for Dr Stone my Mother would be dead. She saved my mother's life. My mother who is allergic to most medicines and has anaphylaxis was saved by Dr. Stone when she contracted Vivid 19. This prosecution of Dr. Stone needs to stop. Ivermectin was also freely available from Zimbabwean pharmacies. Why are they also not been arrested and sent to prison. The Government and President needs yo put a stop to this especially as the Government approved Invermectin in the first place.

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May I ask what the charges are? What is her crime according to the court papers?

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Dr Stone has had the following four charges laid against her:

Contravening section 135 2 (a) of the Health Professions Act (Pertaining to Advertising)

Contravening section 92 of the Health Professions Act (Practicing without a license)

Contravening section 99 of the Health Professions Act (Practicing from an Unlicensed Health Institution)

Contravening section 29 of the Medicines and Allied Substances Control Act (Use of specified [banned] substances)

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Hi There.

Is the "The Zimbabwe Medical Council" the same as "Medical and Dental Practitioners council of Zimbabwe"? I cannot find "The Zimbabwe Medical Council" online.

Warm regards

Sean Steyn

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Should be MCAZ - Medicines Control Authority of Zimbabwe

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"info@opc.gov.zw mail box is full"

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"info@opc.gov.zw mail box is full"

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