never in a million years, which is one reason I am involved in efforts to organize a Non-GMO bloodbank

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That's awesome! I pray it works out just as we need it to.

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we're working on it with this group: https://freedom-healthcare.us/

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Thank you so much for working on this and sharing this reference...

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Please let us know. The issue now of shedding also is a concern among the unvaxxed. The hospital stuck me in their COVID-19 ward because I refused (4×) to do the unvalidated tests. I now have elevated d-dimer. What tests are there that I can take to see if my blood has been contaminated?

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No, I would not accept C19 blood. Further, after the past 3 years, I have ZERO trust in hospitals or the government and will never set foot in a hospital for treatment unless I am brought there in an unconscious state.

NOTE: I work for the federal government(Army) and did not trust them from day one. Neither did my brother(Army retired) or nephew(USMC vet). Governments are filled with Yes Men/women who don't want to make waves. I made PLENTY of waves, and amazingly am still employed., despite repeated threats of ...this is your last chance. I tried standing up for the soldiers but the evidence I provided was ignored again and again. UNTHINKING ROBOTS!

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Lol! I said the same thing and broke my damn wrist a week later. I'm an herbalist and can handle anything up to and including cancer but I can't set a bone. So five lovely hours in the waiting room before anyone even has a look. The health care system is a terrible mess. The things I saw just waiting in the waiting room were terrible. It's a bad scene and I will not be returning!!

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I would never accept blood from a vaccinated person and given they don't check the status I would only accept my own blood or the blood of a person I know is not vaccinated. I would never breast feed my baby if I got the shot....which I never would. I do not trust ANY vaccine and haven't for many years. No flu shots either. I work to stay healthy and stay away from doctors. A friend of mine has a healthy, vibrant, active 105...soon to be 106 year old mother. She told me watch your weight and stay away from doctors they will kill you. Needless to say she takes no medications.

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Wisdom loud and clear in those years!🙏😊

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why hasn't there been more action around this? we need a safe blood supply and the red cross is complicit in the contamination. i tried organizing around this issue in the summer of 2020 - crickets.

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Never! How do I feel? I would die first. That’s how I feel.

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I share your views!👍

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No. I would not. I would have my boyfriend or nephew donate

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No I would not take blood from a vaccinated person. I would not take blood from the Red Cross unless it were completely analyzed first. If I were breast feeding my baby I would not get the COVID-19 injection if I was pregnant I would not get the COVID-19 injection. Under no condition will I take any Covid vaccine

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I would not trust the Red Cross anymore.

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Absolutely NOT!!!

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Simple answer - NO

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How would I feel about media and hospitals? About like I do now - they are murderers.

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“7.1.1 Pregnant Women

The safety and efficacy of COMIRNATY in pregnant women have not yet been established.”

“7.1.2 Breast-feeding

It is unknown whether COMIRNATY is excreted in human milk. A risk to the newborns/infants cannot be excluded”




Date of Revision: September 9, 2022


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i just wrote a substack comparing Canada’s recommendations to pregnant women with the Pfizer Comirnaty product monograph:


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Thank you for your excellent work

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Dear Shabnam, this is the first time I'm addressing you and would like to thank you for your excellent work and the delightful way you present for your group.

About Red Cross: they have been advertising for blood donors locally and have been making similar statements in local media. I noticed their claims but did not believe them. I have been wondering about the current perilous state of health care: the unvaxxed don't trust official Health care but have no alternatives. will we see a time soon where there will be two 'strains' of health care, The AMA governed one and a NEW (old) HEALTH? Two sets of blood donor organisations? In the meantime, the unvaxxed can look after themselves? Are you planning to set up groups of New Health practitioners that the public can access?

Its obvious to me that the users of health care are now two separate sets. or is the public view still unified?

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I just heard 2 days ago about this web-based medical clearinghouse started by Dr. Risch and Dr. McCullough. Dr. Simone Gold of America's Frontline Doctors also has a similar company. I believe the other doctors have groups too. I am sure they will eventually start their own blood supply/donation network.


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It's a long way to go for anyone who is not actually American. But this is not about me, I'll look after myself. It's about moving Health Care into new public structures where the fact that some are, some are not, vaxxed, is treated as a normal fact, not as a 'dirty secret' and appropriate measures are put in place, the first of which might be blood supply.

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Absolutely not. The spike protein is poison. Why would I want that in my body? Or in my child? After suffering the consequences of saying no for the last 2 years I still feel as strongly about it. And I’m glad I fought so hard against it. We are all healthy and well thank God. I pray for anyone who is suffering as a result of this horrendous debacle.

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All too disturbing but consistent with the perpetual genocidal agenda. And the sheeple dare not venture into the light as that would harm their fragile egos. So sad for the multitudes who, it seems, will never awaken. No thanks, no blood for me!

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Frequent Blood donator here....I was turned away from giving blood in January for not answering the question of "Vaccinated" or not during the intake process at the blood donation site ...so the statement that the ARC does not require disclosure is entirely untrue: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ffbe3b6fb-c94b-466a-9ab3-8e411ae4c921_719x1280.jpeg

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