This has to stop or our freedom is doomed.

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I'm glad that people are waking up to these so called corrupt and underhanded organisation's that are funded by the globalists. An informed and precise read, that definitely keep the hyenas at bay, strategically sound!

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"what happened was an Historic Defeat for the Globalists"


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For the past few years, the Joe Biden regime routinely violates the law and the Constitution every day. Those laws have not been overturned and are still in effect, let alone the Constitution. But there is zero consequence for the Biden regime and all the criminal officials.

I suggest that we should not worry about the evil and moronic United Nations as clearly reported here, we must focus on how to destroy the massive illegal election frauds in this nation. If we cannot do that, there will be no United States of America beyond 2024‼️.

All bets will be off at that point. UN or whatever is called will start enslaving us to the hilt, there is no need to distinguish between US tyranny (governed forever by Democrats) and the UN dictatorship.

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While your comment is well formulated I do not think we can at this time separate what is happening within from without.....i think we must address both simultaneously......thank you

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Well done Zimbabwe.

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Murdering criminals

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Good! Fight!

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This is such an important article. It should be translated into every language and sent to every government throughout the world. . . . Thank you.

One question. Does CHD have a branch in Southeast Asia?

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This is an excellent article.....it is a global coup.....how far will the corruption go?....thank you God for these smaller countries....the US and its deep state aligned itself with China when we sent our first business ambassador under Nixon to China.....this was Bush Sr......we think it is Obiden but it has been going on for decades.....the US could defeat all of this if only the Rhinos were true to the values of our great Constitution and if only the Rhinos truly would represent the people who voted them in......there are areas where Rhino constituency does not want money given to Ukraine and yet the Rhino representative is not listening to them.........but , well actually our fore founders made several mistakes....big ones.....they studied many nations that fell.....they saw that one reason Rome fell was from immigration, illegal immigration so I don’t know why something was not put into our constitution then.....also they knew our country was at that time already very divided so having the House rule by a simple majority, another mistake......and these presidential executive orders.....mistake.....anyway....i digressed.....thank you for this very incredibly thought out article.....

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As Salamu Alaykum Beloved Sista and thank you for everything you are doing along with all the others at the growing decentralized WCH which present the viable alternative to the WHO. The Third Universal Theory, direct participatory democracy via consensus-building people's congresses and executive people's committees monitored by the people's congresses see bit.ly/greenvirus is what I see you all doing and this offers the first hope as the alternative must be built from the grass roots!

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