These images send a strong message, an affirmation, to all who can feel love, that violence is never the right way. Thank you for this!

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Thank you for this astute analysis, Shabnam, as well as for the beautiful images capturing the peace and harmony possible if the 1% would leave the 99% alone and stop demanding the people sacrifice lives for their plunder and power.

For #9, I propose politicians who profit off their investments in the “defense” industry, from Dick Cheney to Nikki Haley.

“A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.”

—Tex Guinan

For #10, I would put the philanthropaths, whose depopulation agenda is advanced by forever-wars and senseless bloodshed:

See my “Anatomy of a Philanthropath” series:

• “Part 1: A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams)

• “Part 2: Downloadable Digital Dictatorships” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-947)

• “Part 3: Yuval Noah Harari: Not the Man We Think He Is?” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-a-philanthropath-dreams-3fd)

See also my Corona Investigative Committee presentation notes on this topic:

• “A Mostly Peaceful Depopulation” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/a-mostly-peaceful-depopulation)

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Much love to you Anna , and thank you for this excellent comment and links

I agree, philanthropaths and politicians must be in the list of warmonsters

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Much love back to you, Shabnam! 💗

"Warmonsters" is brilliant—did you coin that? I'm going to have to remember that one :-)

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I love people who play with language to make very accurate descriptors!!!!! Warmonsters and philanthropaths are right up there with bougie wankspanglers.

Your comment, Margaret Anna Alice, makes me want to check out your blog and I should probably follow this one as well, it's so very good. My only objection is to the 1 percent; it's more like 20 percent, as the 1 percent need the other 19 percent to hold them up (lawyers and all the other upper-middle-class minions).

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I love coining terms to expose the deceptive framing and reveal the truth behind the lies, so you’ll find numerous examples of that at my Stack :-)

Another term you might find useful is “fact-chokers” (also “fact-choking” and related variations).

Regarding your comment about the 20 percent—I completely agree the 1 percent could not accomplish what they do without those who implement their tyranny. I address them in this piece:

• “Letter to a Colluder” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-colluder-stop-enabling)

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Thank you for the link, and I adore "fact-chokers"!

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To feel another's sorrow is to Love. To Love is to know the fullness of Life. To feel your soul through these words is a Life of Love!. شكرًا لك , Shukriyaa , Toda raba , Thank You

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You have a good heart and are an astute observer. Peace to you.

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Yes, we are all being played, it is the perfect narrative of the elite, at play once again, 'DIVIDE AND RULE', 'MASS DEATHS EQUAL DEPOPULATION'... It is all evil, masquerading as a unified world order. Yes, I agree, humanity needs to stand firm and show unconditional love, and shun this evil!

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This is a deep important article....I so appreciate how much love you put into it and all that you say....I have passed it on....People don’t want war....just the military industrial complex as Eisenhower said and you so clearly delineated......it is time to end this....thank you.....when I was young in the 60s and we were in the Vietnam war we here in the US used to chant “make love not war”....if we all do not stand up we are allowing ourselves to be pawns....

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Hate to say it, but I too was young in the 1960s and was well aware of the large percentage of the population who was gung-ho for war, particularly the blue-collar fascists. My BIL told me they celebrate in Ohio every time a Patriot missile is used as they build them there. I am working-class but I have no illusions that being working-class makes people conscious. I do think it is easier to talk to poor and working people than to try and convince those with "investments" that they are funding death and destruction.

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I have found that it is very individual…..we have good and bad so to speak at every level….economically, socially, racially etc….the entire system needs to be restructured so that we are all together with what is right morally ethically spiritually….I think that will happen but probably not in my lifetime

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Thanks, Shabnam. We stay inspired in Love and hopeful for Peace.

This is Love!

The Agape that fills the world,

The world so loved;

So passionately and compassionately held,

The infinite closeness,

The immeasurable embrace,

The glorious, gentle expansiveness,

Of Divinity’s presence,

And the promise,

That All is well,

All is loved!

This is Love!

The Agape that fills the world,

The world so loved;

So unconditionally forgiven and touched,

These struggles of the ordinary,

These sufferings of the wounded

These shaky, slipping steps,

These songs of the imperfect,

All accepted in Divinity’s grace,

And the reassuring faith,

That All is well,

All is loved!

This is Love!

The Agape that fills the world,

The world so loved

So broken open, released and free,

The transformed mind,

The illuminated heart,

The conscious, courageous will,

Surrendered to Divinity’s Way,

And the hope,

That All is well,

All is Loved!

© Roger Arendse 20180417

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We MUST make peace...or else this WILL be our collective future: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DiOAnWf3UDU

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Unfortunately I had to delete my Spinster account (where Nina Paley is active) due to the rabid racism I saw displayed there after Hamas's insurrection. It can be very dangerous to be naively "antiwar."

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It's easy to speak rhetoric about the 99% and peace from far away. Let's face some reality here: the usual suspects benefit huge profits both from war and from "peace" (status quo) they benefit all the time. The status quo peace where you are peaceful while having the boot stomping on your head forever, is not real peace. Real peace comes with justice. If only the uppity Palestinians would remain peaceful and accept that boot stomping on their heads forever! How about a real take on the situation, removing our rose coloured glasses and easily-affordable "love the enemy stomping on your head" syndrome. For if they were actually stomping on YOUR head (whoever you are reading this and no matter your religion and ideology) I highly doubt you'd want this "peace" to continue, I am quite sure you'd be happy for some alpha-male in the vicinity to come to your aid even if it means shooting the one stomping on you in the head. Let's also be realistic about the profits from THIS particular "war" -- it is not like many others. It is NOT profitable to the usual culprits. It has brought to the fore their hypocrisy and again shown the Emperor to be naked in all respects. Naked as the invincible, all-knowing, untouchable Israhell, the bastion of democracy in the Middle East - even now to "it's own" Jewish people. The masses in the west who are further connecting some dots and realizing the common oppressor aren't going to want to continue spending their money on their elits, this is another big nail in that coffin. Even, the comfortable westerners until they were "forced" to be "jabbed" (they were not PHYSICALLY forced they were coerced and if they had 1% of the courage and spine and balls of the Palestinian oppressed masses their entire plandemic would have ended in a single day), are realizing and waking up to the fact that there is a Palestine been oppressed, suffering and butchered for the past 75 years, aided and supported by their regimes and their SILENCE and your "equal plague on both houses call to peace" romanticism selecting a few lovely images of the world that could have been, but can't take place without real and lasting peace not the status quo.

Yes, it is romanticism because such people taking this position haven't lost anything yet. They still enjoy the benefits of compliance. When your house has been destroyed and your child taken from you, you will want to fight, not surrender. That's realism. Allah days "Fight until there is no more oppression", for "Oppression is worse than killing". Does anyone think apartheid in SA was overthrown by songs and cute photos?

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What you so disparagingly call romanticism here is the deep inner desire of people for an end to violence. And what you are propagating here is exactly what fuels the endless spiral of violence again and again and keeps it going.

Violence, no matter from which side, will always only divide people, never unite them. Love, on the other hand, knows no side – it can be felt or not. And when it is felt, it never results in violence.

I do not see people who act out of love as romantics, but as peace-loving beings who abhor nothing more than violence. It may be that these people could not change anything that happened, maybe not even what will happen in the next months or years, nevertheless, these people have decided not to justify any form of violence.

How long it will take for the majority of people to understand this, no one can predict. Possibly it will never happen. But at least one thing these people are not doing is fueling the violence.

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I disagree. You can't make a psychopath love you no matter how much unconditional love you give him or her, nor can you turn a pathocracy into a humanitarian system by appeasement and acquiescence to it. Not justifying violence when it is absolutely necessary and inevitable for self-defense or survival, when everything else has been tried, is indeed helping to fuel the violence of the aggressor.

Ccomfortable with the luxury of not being in the situation yourself, but a humane being with knowledge, you'll know the meaning of those Quranic verses that oppression is worse than death when you are faced with real and direct oppression. The non-Muslims know this truth too, when they say "better to die standing than live on your knees." South Africa would never have gained even its limited freedom of today if the oppressed had taken this position, nor the Black people of USA. You have the luxury to decry violence precisely because they did not and spared you having to fight yourself.

Any fair minded person will not take the position of focusing the camera on a crying Zionist while turning their back on the hundreds and over the decades thousands of murdered children behind the camera which is exactly what BBC, CNN etc do and you are doing by focusing on the generous word "Romanticism" which you may replace with whatever, naivety, delusion, wishful thinking.

Let's be realistic: over the past many years how many times did YOU think about the Palestinians or the Zionists and their plight, what did YOU do as they were in this situation all along? Don't reply to that question here, it's meant for any reader to answer for themselves, and Allah knows best! Even the President of South Africa knows that there is no neutral stance here!

So what exactly is your advice for the people of Gaza who presently feel this great love raining down on them? God forbid you ever find yourself in their shoes to have your laudable dreams shattered in the blink of an eye!

If someone attacks your child, do you stand there showing love in the vain hope the violence will stop? Or do you protect your child or call for help? Palestinians are mothers too.

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It really helps when one comes to understand that pacifism does not mean sitting by and watching other people destroyed by violence. You always engage in whatever action stops violence.

I agree that many Westerners call for nonviolence -- as Norman Finkelstein pointed out, the West called for the Palestinians to engage in nonviolent action, they did, and the Israelis murdered 550 Palestinian children -- as they sit in their comfy chairs. I like the philosophy of love, but love didn't do much to defend the eastern Ukrainians from the murderous western Ukrainians nor does it do much to defend Palestinians from Israeli murder nor did it do much to defend Iraqis, Syrians, Libyans, Afghans, etc.

And unfortunately I do not see love at work in the U.S.; people don't even want their neighbors who look like them to have health care, housing, education, adequate food. They yap at church about "love" and then go home to count their shekels they have invested in the MIC, Big Pharma, etc.

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💯You make a great point about this "love" in the West (which includes much of South Africa), I know there is tons more love among Palestinians and others and it manifests every day in their community and with their neighbors but I sure don't see this in the West. "Love" and "Meditation" and "being in the now" and so on are mostly selfish pursuits "Love they self" and they are certainly conditional: as soon as anyone infringes on their "personal space" that love vanishes. There are even many "new agers" who actually convince themselves that evil doesn't manifest itself unless I think of it, and if I think of or discuss it, I'm inviting it. I ask such deluded western neo-liberal grounded awake peace-loving (I am being ironic here) "individuals" whether all those babies in Iraq, Serbia, Libya, Afghanistan, Palestine, etc, who were asleep in their soft beds and were bombed by US bombs dropped from aircraft or missiles fired by teens playing video games from half way around the world whether those babies were thinking evil thoughts or "manifested" what happened to them?! It's just so pitiful to see this, and I berate myself even at my old age for continuously not seeing people for what they are. I had such hopes on some of these people as being able to work with them for a better world but then they reveal that they just live in a dream world and can't face reality and don't know how to appropriately respond to it and thus actually help the enemies of humanity. I know from experience that pouring endless years of boundless unconditional love on a psychopath will NEVER give them anything more than a fleeting sensation they are INCAPABLE of love not matter how long and hard you try. Meanwhile even the neighbours of the Palestinians are doing nothing, they're on their own, but millions of us feel it. As Prophet Muhammad said along the lines of if you see an injustice change it with your hands, if you are prevented from that speak out against it and if you are prevented from that, feel it in your hearts, and that is the weakest of faith.

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I live near Belfast, Maine, U.S.A., the home of the crunchy and flaky. Prior to the U.S. invading Iraq, a group of nuages (rhymes with sewage; it's an indigenous term) got together to imagine Dubya and Saddam Hussein walking hand-in-hand. I nearly choked on my own laughter!

Agape is meaningful, the tossing about of the word love is meaningless. I have found this to be true on the personal scale and on the social scale. It is very hard and requires a lot of emotional maturity to face up to what humans in Western societies have made themselves into (and, yes, I include all the Five Eyes countries plus Western Europe plus any land settled by Europeans in my definition of "the West"). They can no longer even understand peoples who see themselves as part of a group and find group welfare more important than their own.

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“ T H A T “

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Beautiful - thank you. Passing on!

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