No forgiveness for things that are still going on.... #NotForgiven

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No amnesty

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They need to be held to account. These are unforgiveable atrocities committed by inhumane actions of the demonic reptilians. No human is capable of these cruel actions.

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Great to read it - a language from my vocabulary, and... demopaths.

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We will forgive, probably, AFTER the punishment is executed, but NEVER forget.

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No forgetting. No forgiveness possible unless and until the crimes are admitted and punishment is served, be it life in prison time or public execution.

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The person that stood up for what's right, is not toxic at all! Awesome video that puts the point across, quite clearly! The only ones that need psychiatric help, in my opinion, are sheeple, just saying!

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Amnesty is for people who admit what they did was wrong, do what they can to help their victims, and can be trusted never to do it again.

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Ultimately, I will forgive those that wronged me. I dont seek revenge or restitution. My trust in them however, is permanently shattered, and I agree that there's no reason to continue surrounding myself with such individuals. I hope that they can learn from their mistakes, but I won't hold my breath.

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NO to amnesty. Tyranny, mayhem and murder cannot be pardoned.

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ALL THE PROOF needed for early covid treatment and best in hospital covid treatment using combinations of safe and effective low cost drugs etc has been demonstrated FROM EARLY in the pandemic and continually improved with the – PANDEMIC GOLD STANDARD EVIDENCE – the RESULTS from REAL DOCTORS who treated REAL COVID PATIENTS. Dr Zelenko, Dr. Didier Raoult, Dr George Fareed and Dr Brian Tyson, Dr. Ben Marble and the doctors of “My Free Doctor”, Dr Darrell DeMello (who introduced early treatment to India), Dr Shankara Chetty with his 8th day protocol (saving 10,000 Africans and many others at a covid stage where they would be admitted to hospital in the US), Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr Paul Marik and the FLCCC doctors, Dr. Syed Haider, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Richard Urso and numbers of other REAL DOCTORS who treated REAL COVID PATIENTS across the world. These doctors treated 100’s of Thousands of high risk covid patients with near elimination of hospitalization and death with early treatment and great reduction of in hospital death with best known practice.

EVERY ONE OF THESE DOCTORS DEMONSTRATED AN END TO THE “pandemic”. 100% EASY FOR fda, cdc, nih, who, niaid AND fauci to see and know the WAY TO END the “pandemic”. which they, et al, willfully, with full knowledge presented to them, chose NOT TO DO while “they” SABOTAGED effective treatment protocols and doctors using life saving protocols and thereby DEPRAVED-HEART MASS MURDERED MILLIONS. (DEPRAVED-HEART (indifference) MURDER see definition from wicked-o-pedia below)


From wicked-o-pedia – “In United States law, depraved-heart murder, also known as depraved-indifference murder, is a type of murder where an individual acts with a “depraved indifference” to human life and where such act results in a death, despite that individual not explicitly intending to kill. In a depraved-heart murder, defendants commit an act even though they know their act runs an unusually high risk of causing death or serious bodily harm to a person. If the risk of death or bodily harm is great enough, ignoring it demonstrates a “depraved indifference” to human life and the resulting death is considered to have been committed with malice aforethought.[1][2] In some states, depraved-heart killings constitute second-degree murder,[3] while in others, the act would be charged with “wanton murder,”[4][5] varying degrees of manslaughter,[6] or third-degree murder. If no death results, such an act would generally constitute reckless endangerment (sometimes known as “culpable negligence”) and possibly other crimes, such as assault.”

PLEASE pass this on if you will. James

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An impressive response! I wonder if you would be interested in writing a short essay on the Terrain Theory as it is still called as such, but in my opinion this is the Terrain Theory Fact, "Germ theory vs terrain theory"?

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Thank you. I Am able to comment on what I have been shown to be true walking my particular paths in life. None of the paths have been called "Germ theory vs terrain theory".

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I can't find an article I've read just recently... The viruses do not cause a disease but it's a reaction of our immune system, witch cleans the body by sweating off the germs, or vomiting them out, etc. It's a reaction of body/terrain and not an action of the viruses.

Another theory questions the very existence of viruses, which, as of today have NOT been isolated using realy scientific method. In this light Covid scam looks even worse.


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Thank you. I Am able to comment on what I have been shown to be true walking my particular paths in life. None of the paths have been called "Germ theory vs terrain theory".

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Do we "foregive and forget" about the atrocities committed in the German concentration camps? This is not about vengeance, it is about LEARNING from history. Obviously this didn't happen 75 years ago. Why do we have a criminal justice system if it is not used against some of the biggest perpetrators in history?

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Not ready to forgive....see to many injured patients!!!!

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