Any country signing up to the WHO Pandemic Treaty are working against the people of that country in selling out the sovereignty to the globalist elite. They cannot pretend otherwise. Having read the amendments we, the People, would lose freedom of what medical treatment control, movement, what we eat or buy, money and so much more. This must not happen.

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We don't need the WHO. They are responsible for making a mess of Covid by declaring it a Pandemic when was just a flu.

We must get rid of them. Citizens must protest to their governments to leave the WHO Now

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Pressure each govt to leave WHO. If they don't, make clear we will not comply with anything they pass down to us from thr WHO.

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The cartoon really says it all.

We better exit soon before the exit door closes forever.

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Like so many social & over reaching government issues in the last 3 yrs, we are playing around. Sever the head of the Snake & be done w/ them. The evil & corrupted forces around the world involved in drugs, human trafficking & child sex rings squash any resistance w/ an Iron Hand. You fear for your life if you dare cross them, like China & N. Korean citizens. We the people can not trust or wait on our self seeking corrupted governments. Every individual must stand strong & boldly w/ pride in the face of all evil in the name of GOD! Start w/ the immediate environment you live in help the ones you can even if it's a kind word. And send to meet their maker those that threaten the lives of those around you. In Jesus Name, Amen

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They forcibly separated moms and newborns for 10 days even if mom wasn't sick (but had positive PCR). These people are EVIL!


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The WHO is not in good faith. I say EXIT is the best way, and the sooner the better.

Then we can start on our national "Health minister..." they have some questions to answer...

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Our Congress exempted themselves from the mandates so what do they care? They take bribes to force deaths shots on us...people need to stand up to tyranny or it will never end.

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As long as we have the current administration in the US we will never get out of the WHO or the UN and they are in full support of the WHO and their assault on our countries sovereignty. BUT in the US we have a Constitution which was created by the states. The states ratified a constitution that gave the US government just 18 enumerated powers. Anything outside those 18 enumerated powers is unlawful (even if a law is passed) and whenever the government passes an EO, Treaty, or law if it goes outside those 18 enumerated powers/authorities the states are not obligated to obey. This means the power in the US is at the state level which includes the people. The power is NOT at the federal level. Here in TN we have created an organization to start taking back our state powers and authorities. Contrary to popular propaganda the states have the power in the country not the federal government. But the schools have dumbed down our society that most people have no idea that most of what the federal government does is in violation of the Constitution and we do not have to comply. So here in TN we created a group called: TN Citizens for State Sovereignty. We have legislation already written and sponsored for 2024 to create a process in which to invoke Nullification. It is also our hope that other states will join in a compact and we want to create a special caucus in the TN Assembly to make sure they do right by our state. Our website is: tncss.weebly.com and you can sign up on the Substack page directly from the website. We invite anyone interested in taking back their state/people power is free to join. And we also plan on nullifying past laws, regulations and EOs from the federal government that is unconstitutional. They have lied to the people about separation of church and state, they have lied about the Supremacy Clause and it is time people learned the truth and stood up to these criminals.

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Leave the corrupt WHO. Should have left years ago when they got the plandemic of swine flu wrong and H1N1.

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The only way to stop this is for countries to defund and get OUT of the WHO. Any leaders that don't agree with that should not be elected or re-elected. If people don't start waking up it will be too late.

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