Corruption and malfeasance, clearly an organization built on lies and irregularities won't survive, surely!

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Shabnam thank you for your efforts in turning this massive assault on humanity thorough this bogus organization around. I had been vaguely aware of the history and it was good to review it.

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Thank you for your hard work,your strengh and that you are a brave WARRIOR!

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The corruption continues to promote lie after lie with the top 4 political parties in the UK but how on earth can we get out local MP's to even reply to letters or emails when we share the evil proof of the covid jabs injuries & deaths, the climate lies etc. My MP David Davies either totally ignores what I send or merely sends a gov scripted load more lies.

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WEF loyal members are Bill & Melinda Gates , Soros, Clinton’s!!!! That’s why they go into other countries to experiment with jabs they are heavily invested in - put these unelected Bureaucrats behind bars..because they are controlling WHO and U.N.

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Thank you for this remarkable piece of in depth information.

Sadly many hyperlinks drive to " no more available documents ".

Naturally, such a situation happens only by pure bad luck.

How could it be otherwise ?

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most interesting read. These fraudulent dealings are finally being exposed. Does anyone know how this 'membership' translates to South Africa. Was there a 'referendum' to join the World Horror Option? Aanddd....has anyone noticed that within the BRICS declaration there is a paragraph swearing allegance to this distasteful 'health' body....so it is sneaking in its 'power' via this route.......it smells rotten to me.

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Heroic. Thank you. Some serious heavy lifting to bring all this together. The WHO divorce shall succeed. "Let us go and take possession of the land, for we can surely do it."

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