Terrifying! And clearly NOTHING to do with saving the planet. This is totally antithetical to what we true nature and human lovers mean by environmentalism.

The question is how to get the message through to people? Most are oblivious, those that are somewhat aware are frozen in fear and feel powerless. In anti apartheid days there were no cell phones. But people on the ground were informed and organized. Underground. In the communities. A simple, punchy explanation in main languages explaining what's happening is needed.

Our constitution is being trampled.

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Thank You Shabnam, if they lock me down, will go on walks around.

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A pilot programme indeed. Yes, seems like it will be the norm globally, to lockdown everyone in their efforts to combat movement, which they believe will save our planet from the excessive carbon footprint, what hogwash! and total authoritarianism, coming from the elitists of course! Well, everyone will have to stand up and fight it, use whatever method to frustrate their evil plans!

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Completely barmy corruption.

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Just curious to know, where are the legal experts to put a stop to such nonsense. Where are the citizens living, working and paying taxes and business rates in Oxford. May be time to stop paying your taxes until this incompetent government decision making, comes to its senses.

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This is insane. Where is the populace? Jut standing by ovine-like saying "yay"? I do not get it.

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Scamdemic was just to take everyone's eyes off the true 1World Government incoming.

The true pandemic was already in place. HUAS infected 75-80% Globally.

H ead U p A rse S yndrome.

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I agree Chi-Yang. Who do these people think they are? Why on earth would this county allow this? Are they even aware of it happening in 18 months or so. Seems so ridiculous that it seems the plot of another very bad B rated movie. Stepford People! Don’t come near me!

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Worst "told you so" ever :(

I've been warning they wanted this from the start of all the "new normal" talk, as all this is part of Agenda 30 (of which Agenda 21 is part of).

Seeing it all actually coming, on schedule, is terrifying, sickening and scary. It actually makes me glad to be old, so I won't have to live in such a world for much longer.

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There is no reason to be polite with climate gangsters: F those evil idiots in Oxfordshire.

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The Shire... We are all Hobbits now!

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Lunatics running the asylum that the UK truly is.

Scamdemic was just to take everyone's eyes off the true 1World Government incoming.

The true pandemic was already in place. HUAS infected 75-80% Globally.

H ead U p A rse S yndrome.

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Furtherance of the Chinese social passport evil nazism'.

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