For a start we need to clean house at the Public Health Schools who pushed out early (2007) for pandemic flu responses that denied the existence of Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the symptomatic that was around and successfully used since 1918 Spanish Flu (used also with outstanding results in Wuhan and Winthrop Hospital in Mineola NY). No money from the U.S. Government should go to those administrators who went to promote masking, social distancing, big pharma drugs, and intubated mechanical ventilators.

They all should be fired, state by state by state.

Also those that worked to get rid of our national soverignty like the head of Global Health at the DHHS need to be fired and tried as a traitor.

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Thank you for your great article. It is the perpetrators that are requesting amnesty is it not? People who act so authoritarian do not change their spots. Once they are forgiven, this gives them more power to and get one step worse. I will never forgive what is going on and continues going on with the vaccine push on children. They are not stopping. This amnesty focus is being used as a distraction.

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How can we have an amnesty when the crimes have gone completely unacknowledged?? Or apologized for?

Of course "they" want amnesty and they'll gaslight us into feeling sorry for them. They literally threw us under the bus!! Fucked us over on massive scale that will take generations to recover from. I cant even begin, in this space, to list the ways but we cant just let them gloss this over. I want Nuremberg 2.0. Sooner the better

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Thanks for the post. Right now, I am still thinking justice for all is the answer. There is rarely a time when things are. Not planned and or used to advantage. Why this article now? I suspect it’s not for some altruistic reason.

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Justice for crimes against humanity is most definitely altruistic ! What could possibly be more altruistic?

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The cult mindset does not simply disappear with an “oops”. If they are caught out and Forced to back away that is Not the same as Waking to a mistake/error and rectifying. In no way is Amnesty an apology nor a rectifying of the Toxic Mindset which allows for this to occur. I agree wholeheartedly with previous comment; “people who act so authoritarian do not change their spots.” I’ve said this before because it’s true: I grew up in a cult. And Those who willingly participated came from a variety of motivations but by their willingness (whether for toxic power or fear) to adhere to group mindset they were complicit and they do not change easy even if they leave the pack. Change takes effort and the sincere effort of working through one’s own shadow and shortcomings. It takes time and , often, much pain as in grief, etc. True change often challenges us with the grief/ pain of our mistakes which caused hurt to others. Amnesty is avoidance of self responsibility and sets up the conditions for future eruptions of the same poison/toxicity because Nothing has changed except their position of power. Poisonous ☠️. Someone coming from a position of self reckoning is entirely different and in that case I wholeheartedly embrace healing and the forgiveness that we truly need to heal as a entire world. But no way will I willingly accept more lies via their sophisticated lie/guilt/brainwashing machine in the false name of healing.

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Amnesty is totally obliterating an injustice done, as though it never happened. wippng the slate clean. While forgiveness is what the injured does for themselves. The Holy Bible, God's Word, tells us to forgive and we shall be forgiven. I can do that. However, there continues to be those who would be all too happy to continue to hurt others. Where is their sorrow for the harm? I have not seen any.. Where is their admittance of guilt and desire to change? I have not seen any. Where is their repentance? I have not heard any. They had no consciences against doing this horrendous thing in the first place. Have they just now developed a conscience? If so, it is certainly not evident. There are still mandates and talks of mandates. There are still signs of "no vaccine, no admittance." "no vaccination, no service", "No vaccination, no job" etc. and whatever you do, do not mention other alternatives! It's more like, 'tell us we are no longer responsible, while we continue to kill you and your children, so we can continue to not have retribution while you and your children are injured and suffering and dying from what we have deliberately caused, and intend on continuing. Your thinking is sick ,evil, and deadly. You require an exorcism of the demons that populate your minds and actions of death. To even consider amnesty requires confession, repentance, and signs of change. I forgive you, but you are not released from responsibility of repair and of cessation of your actions of destruction. Satan has come to kill, seal and destroy. You still carry his name.

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No amnesty whatsoever, quite the opposite.

Those who committed these crimes against humanity, and I mean all, so absolutely including most national executive representatives, Ramaphosa and his entire cabinet for example must be criminally charged and tried in especially constituted courts and if convicted must at a minimum be imprisoned and face asset forfeiture. The same goes on down the line; the executives of all companies who mandated "vaccines", Discovery by way of one example must be similarly be charged. This applies to the entire medical industrial complex.

No quarter shall be given; these self styled "elite" knew exactly what they were doing and must now pay the piper.

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As the country group the Dixie Chicks sang a few years ago…

I’m not ready to make nice,

I’m not ready to back down,

I’m still mad as hell and I don’t have time to go round and round.

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Thank you Shabnam, for all you do,to show the world what is actually, happening regarding the WHO,the WEF and all the other NGO’s and Pharma lies.I don’t think I have heard anyone, more articulate than you are.Even the best experts who have great knowledge, cannot explain concepts and irregularities in such a precise and clear manner.Forgiveness should absolutely not be part of a conversation without full capitulation and acknowledgment of crimes committed. Your energy and passion is making a difference,we are very fortunate you are fighting the Globalists for humanity’s freedom.

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You are so kind Helen, thank you for inspiring me in a soulful and clear way. I honour your heart and mind.

"Forgiveness should absolutely not be part of a conversation without full capitulation and acknowledgment of crimes committed"

Should compensation and reparations be a part of the process? I'd love to hear you

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Dear Shabnam,

In a fair world,yes,definitely, I hope someday that will happen, but with the battle just beginning, it will be a long time coming. I live in the UK, born 1950, fortunate to live here, Until 2020,I believed, the BBC, the Gov, no knowledge of Alt.Media.Naive politically, trusting the NHS,Pharma 🤬 A large majority of UK public still do, they have no clue our Gov. Police and judiciary are, already being controlled.

Luckily,I knew something was badly wrong with the Covid dialogue. After intense research,(6 hrs per day since mid 2020) 1.Virology,2.M.D.teaching videos.on YouTube etc, I found,Dr Mike Yeadon Dr Tess Lawrie,Dr Robert Malone and you😊🤗

I have given out leaflets on Gov. proposed bills(loss of freedoms and medical stats) talked to people in the street, the censorship is our biggest problem.Conspiracy Theory, Climate Change is thrown into the dialogue.I’ve now met like minded people ( through, astandinthepark.org ). building community groups, to sustain us in the future battle. It will be an interesting time.I’m so glad I woke up and my Pfizer Booster didn’t quite finish me off. 😁

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Regarding this amnesty BS, Dr. Peter McCullough is in his way to having all his medical credentials stripped! Amnesty for all the "medical boards" that took away licenses, credentials of the brave who stood against these monsters?

I think first they need civilly sued into homelessness! Then we can think about amnesty!!!

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Thank you for an outstanding & comprehensive post.

Thankful for the lady & the judge in the Zimbabwe case.

Horrified that each & everyone of the death & maim jab scamdemic aren't already behind bars all serving life without parole sentences.

Lock them ALL up & throw away the keys. ALL GUILTY OF GENOCIDE.

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Thank you Shabnam.

They wish to jump over the accountability phase of the process, resulting in the ensuing moral hazard. No!

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seems to me that the atlantic article was very carefully scripted, same suspicious smell of rat, like the andrew hill article that he tried to get tess lawrie to sign on to. most likely paid for by the u.s. truth ministry. the target audience is not us: rather, it's a rally-the-troops message, saying that it's ok for the atlantic readership to continue to behave like little hitlers.

and as you astutely pointed out, ultimately, it's an advertisement for childhood vaccines.

removing the individuals responsible for this genocide from society, and reparations for all who have suffered, are necessary before we can even start thinking about amnesty

meredith miller, whose field is recovery from psychological abuse and trauma, did a great takedown: https://meredithmiller.substack.com/p/never-forget

sarah reynolds' response is also good: https://sarahreynolds.substack.com/p/everyone-is-talking-about-emily-oster

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So glad for Dr. Stone, but still, this is all so corrupt and dark. A step at a time.

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I think the subject of amnesty was raised to test response.

In this case the damage was so intentional and widespread, I say no to amnesty.

No NO! Amnesty for C19 perpetrators or executioners.

Everyone who enforced the lockdowns, masks, vaxx etc should face some sort of justice gradated from death penalty at the top to financial restitution from those who were "just doing what I was told".

Make sure that the perpetrators and practitioners are adequately punished and they won't do it again.

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A blog addressing the question of amnesty, and especially calling out churches for their complicity in enforcing and encouraging 'vaccine' mandates and roll-outs in South Africa, rather than fulfilling their prophetic task of speaking truths to power and stopping harms caused to human-beings.


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