That hilarious charge sheet has given me some moments of mirth despite the grave situation. Anyone who still doesn't understand that the every blatant attempt to shut up a doctor is an attack on all of us has not been paying attention. I salute these doctors and call on all their medical colleagues to stand together and speak up. HPCSA could write a funny letter to a thousand or more doctors but then what? A thousand hearings? Nah, I doubt it.

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I'm still reeling from reading it, too! Forget about the charges against our doctor heroes - these professional misfits need to be arrested for incoherence and crimes against language. Are these really educated doctors?!! Heaven help us all. 😂 I wonder if those three "tenants" are paying rent? 🤔

But in all seriousness, instead of casting aspersions on our good, ethical doctors, they should try reading some of the actual research that's been coming out and applying their minds (such as they are able) to understanding the sheer scale of fraud and damage that is becoming hard to ignore. Not only their minds, but some soul searching would be in order, as well. Perhaps they could also read up on some Medical Ethics 101 and brush up on the old Hippocratic Oath, too.

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This is very sad, Shabnam. Maybe it's time, the entire public stands up for what's right, time to fight, there's no other way! This is downright corrupt!

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South african politicians bought and paid for? Judicial? Despite the entire world now knowing the covid injections are toxic and dangerous, those paid off will continue to prosecute any and every doctor who refuses to do as they are told. I am relieved to see CHD is behind these brave doctors. Jeff Childers does a lot of fundraising via his substack followers and Del Bigtree also has an effective legal team in the USA. I am sharing this substack with Jeff Childers, with an ask to support the efforts of those doctors in South Africa being persecuted. We can but ask💕

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Thank you Shabnam for this post & your continuing efforts to expose the deep evil in the SA govtards & their wretched supposed to be regulatory bodies.

The SA wickedness is also sadly reflected all over the world now.

Going after truthers & exposers is their last line of defence against the public outrage over all of their, now exposed, evil wickedness.

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Then they appoint them to run the WHO. Tedros Adhanom

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Since 2020, when the "medical " fraternity exposed themselves to not actually caring for the wellbeing of their patients, by literally killing or causing humans to be killed, including family members, I have realized that I could never trust any "medical treatment" again.

Suddenly, all of the strange illnesses I have been struggling with for the last 54 years or so, could be traced back to the time where we as small children lined up for our polio, and other "vaccines". I am still young enough, with a still functioning "compos mentos" to remember being extremely healthy and energetic prior to this "treatment" being administered.

These medical fraternity officials should all be executed. They are evil

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Since 2020, when the "medical " fraternity exposed themselves to not actually caring for the wellbeing of their patients, by literally killing or causing humans to be killed, including family members, I have realized that I could never trust any "medical treatment" again.

Suddenly, all of the strange illnesses I have been struggling with for the last 54 years or so, could be traced back to the time where we as small children lined up for our polio, and other "vaccines". I am still young enough, with a still functioning "compos mentos" to remember being extremely healthy and energetic prior to this "treatment" being administered.

These medical fraternity officials should all be executed. They are evil

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