May 27, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Best news of the day! South African president, Cyril Ramaphosa tried to rush this through without it even being debated in parliament. Glad to see other African countries are more cautious and seem to understand the implications of the IHR amendments and how they would remove "informed choices" from individuals, national health departments, countries and whole continents. Time to "let doctors be doctors" again, and make sure that what happened during the Covid-19 pandemic, never ever happens again!

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Hear ye, hear ye! Very true.

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May 27, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Bravo Africa!

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May 27, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Brilliant! Now for the world to stand up and unite against this evil!

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May 27, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Great news. The fightback is increasing all the time, everywhere, word spreading. The evil is being revealed and people are being educated about how global powers operate. Everyone can play a part. Brilliant work Shabnam, thank you and all https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/weve-got-our-eye-on-who?s=r LeavetheWHO.com

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May 27, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Bravo Africa!

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May 29, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

From a US citizen horrified at what my government is trying to do to us, THANK YOU Africa for recognizing and courageously taking a stand against this evil!

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May 27, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

I love this man!! Finally, a person using the brain our Good God gave him. And Kudos to India for fining irregularities in WHO's financial audit. The WHO lies on most things so it's no surprise. It's all about control and thank you Jesus, that there are bold enough people who speak up about it.

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Amen. Th USA ceded control over healthcare to the pharmaceutical industry by means of the Rockefeller healthcare reforms, and has failed to control the medical/industrial complex in any meaningful way, resulting in nearly 20% of GDP spent on healthcare with 3rd world outcomes, even before Covid. With Covid, the US is more likely spending 40-50% of GDP on healthcare with abysmal results. That should not be a model for the world. The African bloc, Brazil, India and others have been more far-sighted. They should ban the WHO from their territories.

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India has been feisty... I hope they get bill gates...

The world: India gets first dibs on gates.


YOUTUBE scarface, no wife, no kids

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I mean hardened criminals have more of a soul than these FREAKS. SUB HUMANS


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May 29, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Thank you DEAR Africa!!!!

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May 27, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Perfect its high time africans we searched for God as our director not people to dominate our choice...#newafrica needs new leaders who keep africa at heart. Thanks for representing us well

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May 27, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

As always, Shabnam leads the pack. Additional updates here: http://LeaveTheWHO.com

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May 30, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

The day of reckoning is well on the way! Thank you, Africa, thank you. We are profoundly grateful to you and your representatives on this momentous occasion.

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May 30, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Great post Shabnam, let's dump the WHO and see if the World Council for Health can be scaled up as a global repository of wisdom gained from actually treating patients - observational studies rule!

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May 29, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Thank you Africa, from Canada ♥️

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May 31, 2022Liked by Shabnam Palesa Mohamed

Thank you Africa, great work, great example to the world. Please be our teachers and help us navigate through these awesome times.

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