Dr Mark Trozzi, is a veteran ER physician and trauma expert, who has taught at three top medical schools. Since 2020, he's opposed the criminal COVID agenda, fighting for human rights, justice, and the World Council for Health.
This Substack is about education in the Pharma supply chain, so you can ask the killer questions. COVID only succeeded because people thought that drugs are found ‘by accident.’ They didn’t challenge the narrative of 100-day drugs. Now you can.
Dead people don't lie. Governments always do. Empirical analysis of mortality and climate data (mainly) to demonstrate the truth about COVID, vaccinations and other public health interventions, and climate crisis lies.
I write about COVID mitigation policies, vaccines, corruption, censorship, and early treatments. The data shows that vaccines are ruining the health of Americans and driving the epidemic in a variety of health conditions.
Welcome to my writings on civil liberties, bioethics, public health policy, and society. I regularly post updates here on my legal efforts to oppose government censorship, advocate for transparency from public agencies, and protect medical freedom.
The Independent Medical Alliance™ formerly the FLCCC Alliance, is a nonprofit, 501(c)(3) organization and coalition of physicians, nurses, and healthcare professionals united by a mission to restore trust and transparency in healthcare.
Unmasking totalitarianism and awakening the sleeping before tyranny triumphs by examining media narratives, propaganda, psychology, framing, philosophy, history, politics, language, literature, film, music, culture, and health with a focus on COVID.